Thursday, 19 March 2009

Hen Buddhism and the Art of Human Maintenance.

This is the first of three conversations between Lee and me. This material originally appeared on his "Hen Buddhism" blog. It appears here with his permission -- yes, as a ethicist, I do consider things like confidentiality and intellectual property rights -- and try not to violate either.

Lee says:

Friday, 13 March 2009
Jesus wept.

A story that was on the go before I went a-wandering comes from Brazil. The time line is as follows.

* A nine year old girl is raped by her step-father.
* He had been abusing her since she was six.
* BTW: He also abused her physically handicapped 14 year old sister.
* The nine year old becomes pregnant to him, with twins.
* It was considered by medical authorities that the girl, weighing less than 80lb, was at risk.
* The pregnancy was terminated at 15 weeks.
* The Catholic Church promptly excommunicated the mother and the doctor.
* The Catholic Church felt no need to excommunicate the step-father.
* Brazil's President and Health Minister both condemned the church's decision.
* The Pope supported the church's decision.

What are they thinking?

"Jesus wept" (John 11:35) may be the shortest verse in the King James Bible but his followers certainly give him much to weep over.

One of the 'virtues' touted by believers is that religion is the source of human morality; clearly this idea needs some more work.

Rob-bear says:

I get God, and faith. I don't get stupidity, religious or other. Religion ≠ stupidity.

{The process as outlined by Lee, and confirmed through other sources, is totally lacking in any kind of justice, compassion, or human decency, as far as I can see. I'm outraged -- as is Lee. Of course, this is the same organization whose leader believes that condoms are not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV/AIDS, and that condoms actually increase the problem. Huh?}


The Blog Fodder said...

Christianity "by the book" is not Christianity at all. If christ returned to Earth today, he would be rejected and crucified by the same class of people who did it last time, the Hierarchy of "by the book" religions, whether Roman Catholic or Southern Baptist.

Rob-bear said...

Al: Disagre. "By the book" to me means Biblical. See "The Bible in its Context," right below.

About the icon of St. Anthony . . .
The icon comes from Eastern Christian Supply Company. With thanks!